Title: Sakura Author: angels_archives Theme: Set #1; 5. flower Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Sakura Haruno x Sasuke Uchiha Disclaimer: I still don't own any of them.
Title: Sexy Cat Author: angels_archives Theme: Set #1; 10. indecent exposure Fandom: Code Geass Pairing: Milly Ashford x Shirley Fennett Disclaimer: I still don't own any of them.
Title: Running Away Author:angels_archives Theme: Set #1; 6. elope Fandom: Code Geass Pairing: Nunnally x Rolo Disclaimer: I still don't own any of them.
Title: On Top of Things Author: angels_archives Theme: Set #1; 4. Look who's on top! Fandom: xxxHolic Pairing: Watanuki Kimihiro x Ichihara Yuuko Disclaimer: I still don't own any of them.
Title: A Royal Wedding Author: angels_archives Theme: Set #1; 2. only playing/pretending Fandom: Code Geass Pairing: Lelouch x Euphemia Disclaimer: I still don't own any of them.
Title: Sweet Kiss Author: angels_archives Theme: Set #1; 1. something sweet Fandom: Death Note Pairing: L Lawliet x Amane Misa Disclaimer: I still don't own any of them. ( She blushed. )